Shoulder stability and mobility should have a spot in any well thought-out training program for any athlete. Stability and mobility will help with soft tissue health, as well as allow an athlete to perform at his/her highest potential. Good mobility in the shoulder, thoracic and cervical spine can have a positive impact on athletic performance […]
By Andries Lodder In today’s environment of competitive sports we are continually seeking ways to improve our performance. Additionally, more and more people are asking about performance enhancement training and what can be done to increase performance.Proper training is necessary to achieve athletic success, and for success, we have to look at the combination of near […]
As I said in my April Newsletter that I will be adding some pics of these crazy guys. Congratulations Ben and Daniel of team JAG Foundation from CycleLab for coming 57th overall with a time of 41hrs 42min and 13sec. Here are the pics.
Compression SocksBy Andries Lodder To wear, or not to wear, that seems to be the question on most endurance athletes’ minds.If you don’t have the time to read through the whole article, the quick answer is to stick to wearing them for recovery only. These socks may help you recover after a hard workout or […]
Iliotibial Band Friction SyndromeBy Andries Lodder As a Biokineticist, I know that one of the most commonly occurring injuries among athletes injuries is Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome (ITBFS).What is it really?The ITB is the connective tissue band that runs down the lateral side of the thigh and attaches on the lateral surface of the tibial condyle […]
Weight Training Without the Bulk By Andries Lodder for a guy, it gives me great pleasure to write this piece on weight training for the ladies without them getting bulky. Not all guys out there like girls that have a better physique than what they do. The majority of us like the opposite sex […]
FUELLINGENOUGH IS ENOUGH!BY ANDRIES LODDER for MODERN ATHLETE MAGAZINE APRIL 2012 All athletes around the world, no matter what endurance sport they participate in, always ask the same questions: Am I over or under fuelling during training and events? When and what must I eat before and during? How much should I consume? Is water good enough […]
By Andries Lodder for TriathleteSA Magazine Dec|Jan 2012 Issue Is your training weakening your aerobic metabolism? Blood pressure (BP) and cholesterol are used as predictors of potential disease, whereas fitness is a predictor of health. The healthier you are, the less chances you have of cardiovascular or respiratory diseases. We get our BP and cholesterol […]
By Andries Lodder for Modern Athlete Magazine Feb 2012 Issue Backwards Running: Fact or Fiction? Question: I have heard so much about Backwards Running, but I’m not even sure what it is and if it is a fact or fiction. Answer: During locomotion the most involved joint of the lower body is the patello-femoral joint. […]